At the start of the New Year many of us use it as an opportunity to set ourselves some resolutions. It might be to watch less television or to lose weight but in all cases we promises ourselves that we will stick to these resolutions and we will be better off for it.
So much like everyone else I decided to set myself some resolutions for the year ahead. The resolutions were in line with this project of mine which is to save myself wealthy. The resolutions were simple:
1. Reduce my debt
2. Reduce my bills
3. Write more on this Blog
4. Save more money
Now with a few weeks of the New Year behind me I thought it was worth reviewing how I am doing with respect to these four resolutions.
Sadly, if I am honest, the answer would be a more or less resounding no, at least for three of the resolutions anyway.
I have not reduced my bills, truth be known I have not looked at doing this yet. However, I did a lot of this last year and saved myself huge amounts of money in the process. But that is no good reason for resting on my laurels and doing nothing. Household bills are always changing, and in this day and age they are usually going up, so it is always good practice to review them.
I have not reduced my debt, in fact my debt has actually crept up slightly, which is not good within the overall remit of the save myself wealthy project.
I have not written much on this blog, but hopefully that will improve.
But one good thing is that I have kept to my last resolution of saving more. At the start of the year I increased the direct debits that I pay to my savings account. That way the money automatically leaves my account at the start of the month and I don't go back on my resolution.
Therefore with a few weeks of the New Year gone I have managed to keep 1 of my 4 resolutions. A partial victory I suppose.
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